Friday, November 20, 2009 By: Suzanne

Thanks for the 56!

I simply want to say thanks to everyone who plays the 56 with me each week. It is this meme that has kept my blog going when I was feeling depressed recently and didn't want to do anything. For some reason I felt compelled to at least continue posting this meme since I knew people were playing. And now that I am ready to come back to my blog and post as I was before, I still have readers to come back to! I was looking at my stats for my page counter and noticed an interesting trend. Although I do have readers on my reviews there is a NOTICEABLE difference on Fridays when I post the 56. Just to show what I mean, here are the numbers for the last two weeks:

28, 5, 9, 5, 13, 11, 20, 30, 17, 15, 9, 8, 6, 7, 26

The three largest numbers are the last 3 Fridays! And I'm pretty sure the reason there were 20 views last Thursday is because I post the 56 early. I'm so glad this is such a hit and all of you who are reading and not playing: COME JOIN US! I know you're out there because I did not have 26 comments today!


fredamans said...

I'm on vacation, so-to-speak, and still took time for a 56 post!

Good job for starting it!!

Glad you're outta your funk.


Gaby317 said...

Thanks so much - it's been fun!

I'm late this week, but here's my entry

Gaby317 said...

Thanks, Tonya! I fixed it. I usually visit on Friday for the Friday 56 and then catch up on my reading.
