* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
Ok, I had to cheat today because the closest book is one I've already done! So I walked to my bookshelves and picked up the first one my eyes laid on and it was Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. This little book only has 22 pages and the last page is only three lines long but they're powerful so I kept it for today's 56. I'm starting at the beginning of the sentence which is technically on the previous page. Can't help it, this is just too wonderful not share, and I almost never cheat on these so I should be forgiven!
However I am perceived and deceived,
however my ignorance and conceits,
lay aside your fears that I will be undone,
for I shall not be moved.
---Our Grandmothers
I'm sorry I missed last week - but I'm back again with an entry from Shannon K. Butcher's Love You To Death.
I've never read Maya Angelou. I think I'd enjoy her books though so maybe I should look for some.
Mine's HERE.
Beautiful 56 Ton! Mine is obviously a vampire book.
My 56 this week: http://cherrymischievous.blogspot.com/2009/10/friday-56-embrace-night.html
Love this one!
Here's mine:
Great sentence. I'm afraid mine is not as nice but here's mine nevertheless
Love Maya Angelou's words always. Thanks.
Here is my 56
Here's mine for the day!
Nice one!!
Here's mine: http://fredasvoice.blogspot.com/2009/10/friday-56_16.html
Lovely, I just love Maya Angelou.
Here's mine:
Maya Angelou -
My daughter's love of Angelou's writing helped with the decision to choose Maya as our granddaughter's name.
And you've used one of my favorite Maya Angelou books -
indeed - in matters of vital importance - Grandmothers Shall Be Neither Undone Nor Moved.
Thanks you, Tonya, for a special 56!
I find JR Ward's BDB (Black Dagger Brotherhood) quite a good vampire series.
Great choice!!! Mine is here:
Thats really beautiful! here's mine
Mine's here.
We definitely do have similar tastes! I was just jamming out to your playlist!! Tori, Damien Rice, Dar Williams... love it!!!
Maya Angelou is always powerful!
Here is my Friday 56.
I love Sandra Brown. I might have read "The Alibi." Love your Friday 56.
I have been obsessed with Damien Rice for years! It's so nice to know someone else who knows who he is!
My first week! :) I missed it yesterday but here I am a day late. Mine is posted here!
Don't have a blog, but here's my sentence..
Ava, tilting her head to one side, looked a little pleased. "It's like she really knows us."
Here's mine:
from Flesh and Fire
I like you quote. I've never read anythng by Maya Angelou but probably should.
My Friday 56 is here
I must have had my computer on mute when I visited before, but just heard Damien Rice on your site. He's wonderful. I just discovered that I played my CD so much that it's worn out! Thankfully it's backed up on iTunes :-) Great choice!
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