* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
This week's post is from one of my favorite books that I have picked up again after so many years, American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I was sitting on my bed with my laptop writing a review of the latest book, and this one was sitting on the nightstand patiently waiting for me.
"You know him?"
Wednesday shrugged, "I know who he is." He sat down heavily on the room's only chair. "They don't have a clue."
Wednesday shrugged, "I know who he is." He sat down heavily on the room's only chair. "They don't have a clue."
I think someone else did this last week or the week before for the 56 but there can never be too much Neil Gaiman! For anyone else who's read this: The first time I read it, I had this image of Shadow as a very large black man. I kept picturing someone like Michael Duncan. There's been some discussion about a movie being made and the boards discussing who they'd like in roles have all white actors playing Shadow. In re-reading it I realized either Gaiman never says Shadow's race or alludes to it in a way I am not seeing. I know his wife is described as blond/blue eyed but that doesn't mean Shadow has to be white, does it? Am I missing something?
I haven't read it... But I might seeing that it's so popular :)
Here's mine
I've posted this week's Friday 56 comment/link in your last week's entry because this entry wasn't live yet this morning. do I transfer it here Ton?
No Worries Cherry, It should be easy for everyone to find since I haven't posted much but the 56 lately!
I think Friday 56 is a great idea... it's fun!
Me too! That's why in the midst of everything that's going on and even though I haven't been posting about all the books I've read (or listened to) lately, I still make sure to post this. I love doing it!
Here is mine:http://shannanlovesbooks.blogspot.com/2009/10/friday-56_09.html
Nice 56 this week!
I've never read Neil Gaiman. Sounds interesting!
Mine's HERE
This is my first Friday 56 posting:
I welcome your comment and suggests. (As long as they are nice.) lol
Mine's here.
I haven't read any Neil Gaiman yet, but have every intention of doing so, soon-ish.
Here's my 56
That was me that did it too weeks ago!! I am still reading the book. It's getting really good too!! I am hoping to finish it this weekend. I didn't do a 56 this week because this was still the closest book to me! LOL Have a great weekend!!
I liked American Gods, but it's been quite a while since I read it!
Here's my Friday 56
Kaytee! I'm glad you reminded who it was that did it recently. I'm glad you're liking it, it's one of my faves and you inspired me to read it again when I saw your post!
BTW, I usually cheat when the same book I did the week before is still the closest. SSHHHH, don't tell....
I haven't read it - is the question of Shadow's race similar to that of Johnny in Heinlein's Starship Troopers?
Personally, I prefer less physical descriptions of characters - it allows my imagination free rein!
Here is my Friday 56.
I usually do to, I was just wondering why everyone else in the world seemed ti think he was white but I was so sure he was black!
I love Maya Angelou.
Here is mine.http://shannanlovesbooks.blogspot.com/2009/10/friday-56_16.html
I sat down and raised my bottle before taking a log Swig. Page 56 sentance 5 of Exact Revenge by Tim Green
The link to my blog is http://realityshowgirl.blogspot.com
Feel free to add me as a friend.
Hi great idea this is!!
Mines here
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