* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
Ok, so I'm not starting Royal Blood, like I said last week. I just wanted for so long to read the final installment in Terry Goodkind's series (but not enough to pay $30 for it). I saw it at Recycled Books the other day and grabbed it. I started reading right away. So today my 56 comes from Confessor because it is the closest since I've been taking it everywhere I go.
Her memory of Kahlan was still not vital, but Kahlan was. Nicci now knew, reall knew,
that Richard's love was real.
that Richard's love was real.
And can I just say about the tv show that they have made of this series, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Did the casting director really believe that guy looks like Richard? Come on! I can't even watch it. I hope it's good, but I haven't been able to watch more than two minutes of it.
I will be watching for your review - I have not heard of this one!
Mine is here.
Here's minefor The Chosen One.
I started reading Goodkind's series about the same time I started reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. While I just LOVE Jordan's series, I have also enjoyed Goodkind's. A lot of Jordan's fans feel that Goodkind not only based some of his themes on Jordan's stories but outright stole certain ideas. Unfortunately, there's not much anyone can do about that and it doesn't mean he's not a good writer. Look at how many authors have stolen Tolkein's ideas...
I read The Sword of Truth series a while ago, up until about the 5th book. For some reason I got really bored with them, Maybe I'll pick it back up one of these days!
Here's mine for the week!
see why you would get bored. After about the 5th (for me too!) book I started thinking, "For real????" but kept on because I felt I had invested so much time into it and wanted to finish it. Of course you know, that the books all have individual stories that take precedence over the main story in the series and each is wrapped up at the end of the book. I liked that about the series. The last 3 are one large story and it's pretty good. I encourage you to take a second look.
Here is mine!
Here is me: http://shannanlovesbooks.blogspot.com/2009/05/friday-56.html
Here's mine:
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