* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
This is from Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt. I'm probably the only person in the world who hasn't read this yet.
Dad says, Cuchulain fought to the end like the men of Easter Week. His enemies were afraid to go near him till they were sure he was dead and when the bird landed on him and drank his blood they knew.
mmmmmmmmmm, doesn't that just make breakfast go down easier?
Oh. Yum. I really need to read that book though. I've heard so many good things about it.
Here is mine
Here's my post:
And I've got a brain. In fact, my momma assured me on countless occasions that I have a good head on my shoulders. Then she would follow up with something along the lines of, "I wish you would use it occasionally." And she was right.
-from The Principle of the Path by Andy Stanley
I heard about this through Just Jennifer Reading. It's my first Friday!
my blog:
Here is mine!
Nope, I haven't read Angela's Ashes yet either. I found it at a garage sale a few weeks ago, so I have it now, but haven't started it yet!
And BTW I like the Friday 56, it's something to do on Friday when I have nothing else to do... LOL Like that ever happens...
Here is my link. Sorry so late.
Here's mine:
Elizabeth's docility would not have answered the purpose near so well as Horatia's turbulence.
from The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer
I've not read this book either. It's one that I should, but never seems to entice me enough to actually start it. That teaser was a good one though!
Hi Tonya! Don't worry about losing me this summer! This is still one of the memes that I will probably be doing. Even though I always forget to come back here and leave my link up!
I would like to join Page 56. And I love the picture of Aurora. Is she a Collie or a Shetland Sheepdog? We have been having Shetland Sheepdogs since I was 6. They are my mom's favorite breed of dog.
I have been having problems signing in to Blogger and Gmail and I found out that I lost my Gmail account completely, so I signed up again and was able to get my orignial Gmail account, but not my book blog account. My new accout with Blogger is: http://intergalaticbookworm92.blog spot.com. Judy/Intergalatic Bookworm
Aurora is a collie. She's 4 years old and the life of every party! Welcome! Join anytime, post to any Friday 56 that you like! I'll check out your blog soon.
My blog is under "construction". I lost my Gmail address (I don't know how) and while I was able to get my e-mail address, I wasn't able to go back to my old blog, so I had to start a new one. I even had to put a follower box to my challenges blogs; which are A Fairy Tale Challenge, Hobbits, Warrows, and Other Mythologlogical Creatures, and Eletronic Book Challenge. My main book blog's main address is: http://intergalaticbookworm92.blogspot.com
Judy/Intergalatic Bookworm
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