* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
Well I haven't gotten back into my blog as much as I thought I would but to be fair school did just start again and I have been working a lot more than I was over the summer. This week's selection is from Musicophilia because it just stayed next to the computer after I wrote about it last time on the Short Stories. I know, that's terrible. Oh well, what I can say?
Mrs. C was fond of Charles Ives and another worry she had was that she might have "an Ives hallucination."
A WHAT hallucination?? Heeheehee
Here's mine:
"The canary offers opportunity for very close observation, which will prove excellent training for the pupils for beginning bird study."
Handbook of Nature Study
Anna Botsford Comstock
You've caught me with another exciting book! ;D
We're going on vacation tomorrow for a week and one (of the many) books I'm bringing is Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins ~ have you read The Hunger Games? I think you would really like it!
a hallucination how fun LOL..Here's mine
LOL - I want to know about that hallucination!
Come on over for a visit and read mine from Media Sexploitation:
Happy Friday!
How fun! I posted on my blog, so I could pay it forward...
This is fun!! Here's mine:
I guess I should have explained for my non-musically minded readers that Charles Ives is a composer. He was one of the first internationally known American composers and wrote what was at the time consider "experimental" music, though I'm sure many today would find it fairly tame.
Here is mine but the quote is not too exciting even though the book has been good so far..
Guess that would be better than a Yu'ves hallucination!
Here is my Friday 56.
What a curious thought! Other people's hallucinations are fun to consider :-).
My Friday 56 is from Allyson Roy's Babydoll.
This was a lot of fun! Here's mine: Writing Advice for the Absolute Newbie
I came across your meme today for the first time, and I just had to join in. :o) Here's mine.
I must admit I'm curious as to whether "an Ives hallucination" would necessarily be a bad thing?
My F56 is here:
Yeah, I think I'm might enjoy that! BTW this is an OLD post, come post on todays so everyone else can see your too.
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