* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
This week's selection comes from the Dictionary of Symbols by Tom Chetwynd. It is based mainly on Jungian psychology which is only partly why I bought it. Why it's the closest to me right now is because I looked up in the sky the other day and saw two clouds next to each other that looked like frogs. Exactly like frogs. I was curious was Jung had to say about the symbology of frogs! So here's my 56:
This is under the symbology of the Body.
Youth juxtaposed with Old Age, or the Child with Man or Woman occur frequently in symbolism to depict the crises of change in the process of living through the different PERIODS of life.
Now that is very interesting...something to think about!
I left my book at home today, so I don't have a Friday 56 - catch ya next Friday! :)
Food for thought for sure!
I've got my post up as well spotlighting a childhood favorite, Aurian: Artifacts of Power I by Maggie Furey
Very interesting book you have there!
Mine is at
Found your link through Sweet Vernal Zephyr - Great blog!
My Friday 56:
Next time I see a drog, Tonya, I'll think of you. lol.
Here's mine:
My word verification is apsych... chills.
Sounds like an interesting book! Haven't gone beyond skimming Jung for school but always thought he was fascinating.
Here's mine from The Third Lucretia by Susan Runholt
Mine's HERE
So is that what Jung had to say about the symbology of frogs? Or is that the 56? I'm confuzzled.
My Friday 56 is here.
"They'reterrible nice people, aren't they now? They'll give you a wonderful start in America." Aunt Agatha said.
Irish Tween by andrew m Greenley
Here is mine
Mine's here.
Interesting. Here is mine:
"Heaven and earth were prepared."
Celebrating Biblical Feasts
by Martha Zimmerman
It was seriously the closest book! I'm gearing up for our school year and we'll be celebrating all the Old Testament feasts this year.
hahaha! That's the greatest quote Ruthanne! I don't even care what comes before or after, it's funny like that!
What an odd quote from what I'm guessing is an interesting book. I like how it ended up being closest!
Here's my Friday 56.
Mine's HERE
That sounds like an interesting book! I studied Jung in school as part of my degree in Human & Child Development. He is brilliant. I would love to see what he says about alligators/crocodiles. I dreamt of those when I was a child.
Oddly it doesn't say anything about either but there is a section on Animals, but it depends on what you're do with the animal: helping it, fighting it, turning into it, etc.
Very interesting.
My Friday 56 is HERE
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