* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
I am about to start Memory and Dream by Charles de Lint so this is the closest to me right now.
"You seem rather nice," she said, "and you've certainly got her working. It's almost time for the dawn chorus and she's still up there, filling sheet after sheet with sketches."
Mine is here
Great Friday 56!
Here's Mine :
Mine's here.
And here is mine!
(Sorry - forgot to do the linkie thingie :-() Tonya, feel free to delete my previous comment)
Here's mine
From The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler
That sounds good!
Here's mine
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