Today's One Minute Writer is about Veterans. Here's my piece:
I've known several veterans in my life but the one that comes to mind first is my old college roommate and good friend, Tammi. We often talked about our lives growing up in the Air Force and then she went and did something dumb: joined the Army! hehe She's recently out of it after doing two stints in Iraq. Both times I was very much afraid for her and am glad she is home and in a nice safe job. I love her and all the other vets I've known, including my mother (wonderful woman!).
Okay - um, how come I didn't know you grew up a military brat? Huh? And your mom was in the service? I did not know that! How about your dad?
I'm glad your friend is back safe and sound from Iraq!
Hey, I like vets too, especially since I am one! I love you too, hon!!! :)
Hey - you changed the look! I like it.
I feel like a bum right now. I just remembered all the Book It! coupons I was sent back in September for the kiddos. Oops! I sign them up every year; it's a great motivator.
I'm pathetic. It's official. I have done everything else this evening EXCEPT read David Copperfield. I keep wanting to sneak into my closet and get my Twilight book out. Oh, who cares anyway? Right? I'm reading it when I go to bed. There. That settles it. Aren't you glad that you were privy to this discussion in my head? That I've typed out for you and anyone else who reads your blog to read - and who will now think I'm pathetic too.
I like it too. I was playing around with it because I didn't like the white background of the other one and found this template. One of these days I'll spend some real time trying to figure out how to do some other things I'd like to do but for now I'm too lazy!
And you were not a self-centered twerp or if so not anymore than any other 17 year old! Seriously, you were of the few people that talked to me when I came back senior year. I always wondered where everyone thought I had been because they sure didn't ask. I'll bet there were some rumors that would much more interesting than me simply moving with the AF!
Your rumors couldn't have been any juicier than mine! hahahahaha (of course, most of mine were probably true!)
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