So I didn't do these on the right day, but oh well. Having fun today! This is Tuesday's Teaser:
TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to:
This was actually hard because I am currently reading a new hard book, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. It didn't want to just "fall open" so I colsed my eyes and opened it. I haven't read this page yet! It might be a spoiler for me. I broke my two up (left out the sentence in between) so it wouldn't be a spoiler for other people.
"The entire history of these cults, from initiation to expiry, is wrapped up within in living memory."
"It is fascinating to guess that the cult of Christianity almost certainly began in very much the same way, and spread initially at the same high speed."
"the cult of Christianity" Love it!!! That's what I'm talking about:)
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